Picture:Two first model Tarnjacke smocks, the Platanenmuster type on the right certainly pre-war and probably introduced in 1937. The first model smock has vertical vents on the upper torso giving access to the field equipment and pouches, over which it was originally intended to be worn.
The Platanenmuster (plane tree or Sycamore) pattern is probably the earliest pattern used by the Waffen-SS, and can be seen in the pre-war photographs. This and its derivative Eich-Platenenmuster, are the patterns which incorporate in their dark overprint the mysterious numerals from “1” to “6”, which have been the subject of much debate.
Production of the original Platanen pattern seems to have ended in by 1942, and Eich-Platenen by 1943, perhaps because the screen printing was uneconomically time consuming. Thrifty manufacturing continued using surplus cloth in this pattern, however, probably until 1944. Late RB-numbered Eichenlaub pattern Zeltbahnen exist with autumn reversible edging made of Platenen pattern cloth printed (for economy?) on one side only-the hidden interior was left in natural white, detectable today in damaged examples. There is plausible reports of Autumn pattern Platenenmuster smocks and helmet covers left in natural white on the other side.