Left:A second model smock in the Rauchtarnmustern “autumn” camouflage pattern-the “wafting smoke” effect which gives this pattern its German name is particularly noticed here.
Right:First and second model smocks, both in Rauchtarnmuster. The newly promoted Unterscharführer (as he has no tresse on his collar) (left) has both smock and helmet cover of the first pattern. The SS Schütze (right) wears a second model helmet cover in Beringt-Eichenlaubmuster with a second model smock in Rauchtarnmustern.
SS-Racuhtarnmuster or “smoke camouflage pattern” or as sometimes termed in English “Blurred edge”; but though this is reasonably descriptive of some examples of this camouflage, some examples show the “blurred” effect is less present. The German term aptly defines all the minor variations of this widely used pattern, whose black or dark overprint is very suggestive of drifting smoke. It is actually a variant of Platanenmuster with identical spring and autumn base colors, but with the “smokey” black overprint substituted fr the spotted “plane tree” overprint.
Photos have confirmed use of this long-lived pattern from 1939 (helmet covers and smocks) until at least 1944 (two-piece padded reversible winter suits). It was probably used for more different types of regulation SS garments than any other pattern, though examples are relatively rare. It is found on Zeltbahnen, first and second model helmet covers, field caps, and smocks-including up to the very last smocks, made of herringbone twill (HBT) linen.
When the two piece non-reversible suit replaced the smock from January 1944, remaining stocks of Eichenlaub and (much more rarely) Rauchtarn pattern HBT were used in its manufacturer, brown side out, along with more typical Erbsenmuster. Rare examples of the Wintertarnzug are also known in Rachtarn cloth-as far as known, exclusively in Autumn brown.