Q:3. Do you believe you deserve absolution for moral outrages you’ve committed in secret?
A: Yes, morality tends to translate as ‘mob mentality’ and I used my moral outrages as a lesson in transgression. How can one know their limit unless they commit those acts which would normally be seen in a negative manner?
Q:7. If you could own any abode in the world, what would it be and why?
A:Il Vittoriale, the former residence of Gabriel d’Annunzio. How can you beat an estate with a battle-ship in the garden amongst other things. See below:
Q: 9. If you could have coitus-sexualis with any historical figure, who would it be and why?
A: Unity Valkyrie Mitford
This somewhat misunderstood and mysterious Woman
has always held my attention at one point or another since I was a very young lad. I first remember seeing her on a show about British Fascism along with her sister Diana.
Random Reason:This is one of my all time favorite Unity Valkyrie Mitford stories. One of her favorite haunts was the English Garden in Munich, which was located across from her apartment. One day some of the folks who also lived in her apartment came home to find their radios where missing, around 10 to 15 radios. Upon the realization of this, they then heard a dirge coming from the English Garden where to their discovery had found Unity laying in the sun with all the radios tuned to different frequencies making a cacophony of noise. This more or less puts her FAR beyond NON and Throbbing Gristle and countless other Industrial music and Noise bands. Unity Mitford is the first known noise musician, so take that and shove it up your wazoo boys!
3. Do you believe you deserve absolution for moral outrages you’ve committed in secret? 7. If you could own any abode in the world, what would it be and why? 9. If you could have coitus-sexualis with any historical figure, who would it be and why?