This is a full scale replica (some are 80% & 90% scale replicas, with 80 being the most numerous) built by The ME-262 Project out of Paine Field, Everret, Washington (formerly built by Texas Airplane Factory, Ft. Worth, Texas). They are powered by two General Electric J85/J610 turbo-jet engines nestled inside replica Junkers JUMO 004B inside the nacelles. The plane above “Tango-Tango” (serial number/werknummer 501244) is the second of the initial five built, with 6 & 7 slated to be the ME-262A/1a “Schwalbe” and the two-seater ME-262B/1c.
Outside of the modern engines and avionics, the plane is built to exacting standards with the same materials and production technique down to the four replica 30mm Rheinmetal-Borsig MK-108 maschinenkanone under the panels on the nose.