Does a person who researches serial killers (IE:Forensic Pathological Criminal Profiler) become a serial killer?
Does a person who researches the Inquisition have a torture room Ala The Pit and the Pendulum?
As far as my Fraulein is concerned, I think you should pay attention to your own domestic affairs. The problem with folks like you is you’re all happy to provide advise (unwarranted and unasked for mind you!) when 90% of the time your own personal affairs are ran like a bull in a china-shop. Hell I bet you don’t even know the name of your neighbors, let alone people on your street or block.
Another thing I try and understand is if you don’t like what I post, how is it you refuse to hit the unfollow button? Or are you one of those masochistic types who needs a constant barrage of things that make them uncomfortable? I am not even going to get into that whole faceless (anonymous) criticisms.
I will end this with a quote from Anton LaVey:
“When people ask me, “What gives you the right to suggest standards for others?”, my answer is, “If I don’t, someone else, perhaps less qualified, will.”