This is what I will be doing, yeah pretty glamorous right?
For those of you who are avid readers of Howard Philips Lovecraft’s Dream Cycles and Cthulhu Mythos I cannot suggest enough picking up one of Arkham Studio’s limited Cthulhu, HP Lovecraft or Abdul al Hazred - The Mad Arab statues and busts, as well as your other favorite Anti-Heroes…like Alister Crowley, Anton LaVey ad of course Where would be be without good ole Satan*?
Obviously for those who pay attention on here, one of my vices is Exploitation and Horror films. Growing up I wanted to be Vincent Price. I thought you could honestly (hah!) be a “villain” as a career. Now, I get to not only learn production and business side of this, I will be working side-by-side with one of my all time favorite artists, Mr. Bryan Moore. Oh, and by the way, he was in the Guinness World of Records for the longest Hearse procession, for which he headed.
For all those who know me, gave me encouragement, told me when I was being an asshole and or a jackass, and called me a friend, thank you.
As much of a misanthrope as I am, I am indeed grateful of my Friends and to you dear followers peers thank you for all.
*(Psssst…Next up will be Lucifer, then Belial and finally Leviathan, so stay tuned kids!)
Ladies, may I introduce you to my pal, boss and mentor, Bryan Moore. And yes he is single!