While I take this as a compliment, let me air some issues out:
While I do have to partially fit into our societal constraints, I live for myself and myself only. If I seem unnerving to you, I do not feel the need to appropriate a new lexicon or ‘change’ myself to fit in and make people feel comfortable. People need to censor that which makes them uncomfortable themselves, meaning; if you’re listening to a song which bothers you, turn off the device or change the music. If a movie has you out of sorts, turn it off. Basically if you’re an adult, you and only you knows what offends or bothers you. I am sick to death of this need for people to don a good guy badge and have others do their thinking.
The feeling you probably get out of my blog(s) is called ‘Eustress’:
stress that is deemed healthful or giving one the feeling of fulfillment.
As far as being happy, I am happy, and avoid drama and stressful situations I need not be part of as much as possible, but real life is not fair and is full of unavoidable pitfalls.
I now leave you with this quote from Goethe;
“That which disturbs your soul you must not suffer”
Uhm, you're more creepy and unsettling than you lead on with, I personally find you well read, but really dangerous. Like being in a raging fire with next to no way out. Are you even a happy person?